“I am a queer artist-practitioner and new gothicc writer. My work tongues peripherals, cruises a homesickness for Elysium, asking what is lost or gained in erasure & duplicity? Manifesting in a continuous questioning of “where goth is in globalization”, I frame works within my own subject position. Researching mourning, elegy and the co-contamination of material/being has led to works that perform without my presence—left for visitors to explore on their own terms of engagement—a necropastoral interchange.”
Morris Fox's practice encounters itself between research, writing and materials. Percipients to his work feel a sense of elegy conveyed through an interchange of the work and themselves. Born in 1984, Morris Fox grew up in Tkaronto, where he flourished and withered and participated at the AGO Teens Behind the Scenes program, as well as volunteered at the Textile Museum of Canada. He pursued a rocky-road undergraduate degree in Tiohtià:ke at Concordia University (graduated 2010), Fox was introduced to intermedia theories and political-aesthetics as well as having his preconceived notions of practice shattered. Fox' poetics imbricates poetry within an expansion of textiles, performance and video works throughout their spatial and olfactory dimensions. Having encountered Joyelle McSweeney’s “The Necropastoral: Poetry, Media, Occults” while on a date, led Morris to a research investigation into the instability of meaning, media and mankind’s deprivations of nature that formed the core pursuit of his MFA at SAIC (graduated 2018). Fox has participated in residencies and shows pursuant to these investigations.
“You’re work is righteous!”